DCTD Programs
The Cancer Imaging Program’s Quantitative Imaging Network (QIN) Annual Meeting
The QIN was established in 2008 to create and validate quantitative imaging software tools to support clinical decision making during clinical trials. QIN membership consists of nearly 20 institutions from across the U.S. and Canada that participate via a cooperative group funding mechanism. Several international members have joined the QIN through Associate Membership admission. The network celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2018.
The QIN meets annually to provide its members with updates on the development of clinical imaging tools. The 2019 meeting was held on May 21-22 and featured demonstrations from 13 QIN members with tools of sufficient maturity to be considered ready for deployment into clinical trials. Among the 150 participants at the meeting, a group of clinical experts from across the country and Canada viewed the demonstrations and reviewed and critiqued the progress being made by the network.
Meeting Highlights
- Keynote address by Dr. Daniel Sullivan, former Associate Director, Cancer Imaging Program
- Discussions of avenues to commercialization by Dr. Deepa Narayanan, NCI Small Business Innovation Research Development Office
- Collaboration possibilities with the sister organization, Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Alliance, by Dr. Edward Jackson, University of Wisconsin
- More than 35 scientific posters
NCI’s Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis supports the QIN to develop and validate software algorithms and tools capable of extracting quantitative information from clinical images to predict or measure response to cancer therapies during clinical trials. Sixty-seven tools and methods are in the current catalogue of QIN tools. Future QIN meetings will feature new tools in the catalogue as they mature to clinical readiness.

at the 2019 QIN Annual Meeting.