DCTD Programs

STAFF HIGHLIGHT: Lalitha Shankar, MD, PhD

In this edition of the DCTD newsletter, Lalitha K. Shankar, MD, PhD, Chief, Clinical Trials Branch (CTB), Cancer Imaging Program (CIP), describes her journey in the field of diagnostic imaging and shares exciting advances in imaging technology.
How did you end up becoming a biomedical engineer?
Growing up, I always liked math and science, and biology was my favorite subject in high school. When I got to college, I planned to major in biology, graduate, and find a job; however, I noticed that engineering degrees had really good job prospects. I felt bad leaving biology behind, but I decided to major in electrical engineering. During college I had two summer research jobs in microbiology at the University of Maryland, where I worked in the laboratory of a family friend who was a professor, and partnered with a graduate student who helped me think about my options after college. My professor friend gave me the idea to take an electrical engineering class at Maryland with one of his faculty friends that focused on artificial and biological neural networks. That class really influenced me — I liked being able to combine biology and engineering, so I decided to go to graduate school for a master’s degree in biomedical engineering.
How did you choose a career in diagnostic imaging?
Having generations of academics in my family, I had a strong pull to be a clinical researcher and have a career in academics. When I was in medical school in Bangalore University, India, it took some time during clinical rotations to find an interesting specialty. Radiology became the most interesting field to me, particularly molecular and functional imaging. Viewing the pathophysiology of disease and the tumor microenvironment as a whole-body assessment felt thrilling. As a 3rd generation physician, my neurologist father was disappointed that I did not become a neurologist, but that changed after he joined me at a molecular imaging conference. After seeing many presentations of molecular imaging of patients with Parkinson’s disease and dementia, both for diagnosis and treatment response, he got it! Molecular and functional imaging is important for cancer diagnosis and treatment because it can help to find out a variety of tumor characteristics such as the oxygen status and receptor expression in a tumor (e.g., visualizing the estrogen receptor in breast cancer) plus how aggressive it is (proliferative or indolent).
My interest in radiology led me to pursue my master’s and doctorate in radiation sciences at Hahnemann University, Philadelphia. I did my residency in clinical nuclear medicine and completed fellowships in Positron Emission Tomography (PET), radio-immuno-diagnosis, and radio-immunotherapy at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining the NCI in 2003, I was a faculty member in the Department of Radiology at Georgetown University, the Lombardi Cancer Center, and the Division of Nuclear Medicine at Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C.
What do you enjoy most about working at NCI?
I enjoy precision medicine, non-invasive imaging, and working across NIH programs and institutes on screening studies, cancer escalation) studies. In DCTD, I evaluate the role of functional and molecular imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and the performance characteristics of imaging modalities to optimally manage cancer in patients. My work involves establishing and monitoring clinical trials with CTEP to evaluate imaging tracers and techniques, which aim to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. CTB provides imaging expertise for trials of cancer diagnostics and therapeutics sponsored by CTEP in the ETCTN, NCTN, and other consortia, as well as the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP). I’ve worked with the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences because I am interested in practice patterns of new diagnostic studies. I have served on several committees, including RECIST, RANO, FDA’s Medical Imaging Drug Advisory Committee, trans-European biomarker initiatives, as well as the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMI) as a fellow. I enjoy developing PET-specific INDs with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; collaborating with the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering and the FDA Center for Device and Radiological Health for medical imaging devices; and partnering with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to assess payment and registry development for outcome information to fund cancer research. Some of this work helped to facilitate the use of FDG (fludeoxyglucose) and NaF (sodium fluoride) PET to assess the tumor burden in soft tissue and bone. A similar approach was recently used to assess and approve PET agents for diagnosis and monitoring Alzheimer’s disease.
I enjoy conducting workshops with the FDA to educate investigators and companies on how to take products through the clinical phase pipeline and
showcase what NCI funds/supports. I also help to manage The Cancer Imaging Archive
(TCIA) — maintained now for 12 years. CIP chooses the diagnostic radiology and histopathology imaging collections that are useful to host
there. We see investigators harnessing TCIA data to develop informatics tools for screening, diagnosis, and prognosis.
In the imaging field, what challenges remain and what highlights have sparked excitement in the last decade?
A challenge in radiomics is to develop tools beyond screening, and in cancer, we need more predictive markers to help make clinical decisions. I am excited about robotic technology, optical imaging agents and PET imaging for visualizing the prostate specific antigen (PSMA PET) — a highly expressed target in prostate cancer, surgical oncology, and uncovering the molecularly active parts of the tumor. We can then use radionuclide therapy tagged to PSMA that goes to the right area, which improves outcomes, and decreases side effects. Another advancement is that newer fluorescent imaging agents visualize the bladder and ureter clearly and outline the nerves (to avoid damage during surgery), which can be tricky with robotic surgery.
What triumphs has NCI made in imaging, and what do you see on the horizon?
I’m happy to be part of CIP for 20 years. We have funded some of the most exciting research in device development and translational work in chemistry. We funded the first PET CT scanner development plan, which is now a clinical standard. We funded PET MR. For PSMA PET, we have been funding Dr. Marty Pomper (PSMA PET developer at Johns Hopkins University) since day one, and today five distinct PSMA PET agents exist. I find the advances using PSMA for imaging and therapy exciting and encouraging for other cancers. You get to know the phenotype of the tumor and microenvironment and how to personalize medication.
I have worked on studies with the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention on screening and with NCORP to help determine how to intensify or de-intensify therapy. Some cancers can be more indolent, and we can decrease therapy to reduce the side effects from radiation — how amazing! Similar improvements in MRI with functional imaging help to show tumor vascularization and aggressiveness.
For the future, NCI, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, FDA, and others are striving to improve the ease for patients to be part of clinical trials. Emphasis is on collaborating with professional societies, such as SNMI, to educate imaging physicians about advanced imaging for trials and its value for clinical care. For NCI studies, our patients wouldn’t have to travel far to cancer centers but could go to local diagnostic clinics if advanced imaging were accessible at local hospitals. The American College of Radiology has established levels of excellence for certification for breast MR and for prostate MR so sites can be qualified. I find it heartwarming to see improvement in community oncology practices where work has extended to the NCI Center for Global Health.
What advice would you give to someone aspiring to follow in your footsteps?
A degree in medicine, training in molecular imaging, and an interest in research are important. You should also have a sense of research fundamentals and be open and imaginative to forge partnerships to improve the patient experience.
SPOTLIGHT: Phase 2 Trial in the Developmental Therapeutics Clinic Informs FDA Approval of Nirogacestat
NCI’s Developmental Therapeutics Clinic (DTC) conducted a pivotal phase 2 trial that examined nirogacestat (PF-03084014; a gamma-secretase inhibitor) in patients with rare desmoid tumors. Desmoid tumors arise from connective tissue cells or fibroblasts and are slow growing, locally invasive, and difficult-to-treat. In the DTC trial, five of 17 (29%) patients experienced a confirmed partial response (~50% reduction of the tumor) as their best response, and another five had prolonged stable disease when treated with PF-03084014 (Kummar, 2017 ). The clinically beneficial phase 2 results propelled the 2019 launch of a phase 3 trial conducted outside of the DTC. In the phase 3 trial, patients experienced improved progression-free survival, and the objective response rate was 41% with nirogacestat versus 8% with placebo (p<0.001) using the RECIST v1.1 criteria. In November 2023, nirogacestat became the first FDA approved treatment for adult patients with progressing desmoid tumors who require systemic treatment. the last day to ll be tested in the modernized NCI-60 HTS384 screen.
SPOTLIGHT — DCTD’s Public Webinar Series
NCI Imaging Community Webinar Series

The NCI Cancer Imaging Program (CIP) hosts a monthly webinar series that serves as a community gathering point for scientists and clinicians interested in advances in cancer imaging. The webinars are open to the public and are typically held on the first Monday of each month from 1:00 to 2:00 pm ET. The webinar recordings are posted after the event.
The goals of the series are to provide a forum for engagement, raise awareness, and accelerate a path for innovative thinking that has the potential to transform research for the benefit of patients with cancer and their caregivers. The webinars seek to showcase current research directions in the field and stimulate interdisciplinary dialog on selected cancer imaging topics.
Webinar topics of interest will include, but are not limited to:
- New imaging technologies for cancer diagnosis
- Advances in nanotechnology to improve cancer diagnosis and treatment
- Artificial Intelligence to improve research and clinical imaging workflow
- Deep learning integration and analysis of medical imaging data for patient outcome assessment
- Intraoperative procedures to improve cancer surgical outcome
- Improvements in image guided therapies
- Molecular imaging to understand current concepts in cancer tumor biology
- Molecular imaging of cellular therapy response
- Imaging data integration with genetics/proteomics/other biological data to understand cancer biology
For more information on the webinar series, please contact Dr. J. Manuel Perez (jmanuel.perez@nih.gov).
Biobanking for Precision Medicine Seminar Series
NCI’s Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research Branch (BBRB), CDP, hosts the Biobanking for Precision Medicine seminar series, which is open to the public.
In the era of precision medicine, high quality biospecimens are central to understanding complex diseases, biomarker discovery, and unraveling the mechanisms of resistance to therapies. The seminar series addresses current topics in biobanking science, policy, and operations, with the goal of improving awareness of best practices for the collection of biospecimens and associated data as well as expanding research participation through biobanking.
The fall 2023 series encompassed four seminars focused on the theme of data sharing in biobanking studies and research that uses biospecimens. The 2024 series will focus on Biospecimen Science, and the webinar recordings for many previous sessions are available to view. For more information on the webinar series, please contact Dr. Veena Gopalakrishnan (veena.gopalakrishnan@nih.gov) in BBRB.
From NCI’s Cancer Currents Blog — What Comes afterNCI-MATCH? NCI’s New Precision Medicine Cancer Trials

More than 8 years ago, NCI launched NCI-MATCH, a first-of-its-kind precision medicine cancer clinical trial. NCI-MATCH tested different targeted therapies in people with cancer whose tumors had specific genetic changes. This year, three second-generation precision medicine trials — ComboMATCH, MyeloMATCH, and iMATCH — are getting underway to build on the knowledge generated by NCI-MATCH and other NCI precision oncology initiatives. In this Cancer Currents blog, DCTD Director James H. Doroshow, MD reflects on the accomplishments of NCI-MATCH and offers an overview of these three successor trials.
The Translational Research Program (TRP) Announces Fiscal Year 2023 SPORE Grantees
TRP recently announced its successfully competed FY2023 SPORE grantees. The SPORE program uses the P50 and U54 grant funding mechanisms to promote collaborative, interdisciplinary, translational cancer multi-project research. SPOREs are primarily focused on organ site disease, but also on themes that cut across organ sites. Read about the grantees and their projects.
Dr. Lisa McShane Participates in Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) Panel
Dr. Lisa McShane, Associate Director, Research Program participated in a panel at the Friends’ February 1, 2024 workshop:
The Future of Diagnostic Tests: New Data & Modern Policy.
The panel was in Session 1: Aligning on Approaches to Measuring Homologous Recombination Deficiency (HRD): Findings from the HRD Harmonization
Project. Learn more on the Homologous Recombination Harmonization Project
in which Dr. McShane has been involved. Watch the meeting recording

Members of the HRD panel (Dr. McShane, 3rd from right)
The NCI Formulary Expands to Offer Six Additional Agents
The NCI Formulary is a public-private partnership between NCI and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies that offers investigators at NCI-audited clinical research centers in the United States who are main member sites of the NCI National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) and the Experimental Therapeutics Clinical Trials Network (ET CTN) rapid access to agents for clinical research or to any U.S. investigators for preclinical research.

The following six agents from Genentech were added to the NCI Formulary in fall 2023:
Trastuzumab and hyaluronidase-oysk
The availability of agents through the NCI Formulary expedites the start of clinical trials by alleviating the lengthy agreement negotiation process — sometimes up to 18 months — required for investigators to access such agents on their own.
Following company approval, investigators can obtain NCI Formulary agents and test them in new preclinical or clinical studies, including combination studies of Formulary agents from different companies. For more information, contact NCIFormulary@mail.nih.gov.
Podcasts, Selected Recent Publications, and NCI Cancer Currents Blog Posts

Listen to the Cancer Healthcast
featuring Dr. Lyndsay Harris, Associate Director, CDP, DCTD, and Dr. Peter O’Dwyer, Group Chair, ECOG-ACRIN: The Profound Impacts of Precision Medicine, Genomic Sequencing on Cancer Care; September 25, 2023
Liu Q, Zhang J, Guo C, et al. Proteogenomic characterization of small cell lung cancer identifies biological insights and subtype-specific therapeutic strategies. Cell. 2024 Jan 4;187(1):184-203.e28. PubMed
Cecchini M, Cleary JM, Shyr Y, et al. NCI10066: A phase 1/2 study of olaparib in combination with ramucirumab in previously treated metastatic gastric and gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma. Br J Cancer. 2023 Dec 22. Online ahead of print. PubMed
Mittra A, O’Sullivan Coyne GH, Zlott J, et al. Pharmacodynamic effects of the PARP inhibitor talazoparib (MDV3800, BMN 673) in patients with BRCA-mutated advanced solid tumors. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2023 Nov 27. Online ahead of print. PubMed
McCall SJ, Lubensky IA, Moskaluk CA, et al. The Cooperative Human Tissue Network of the National Cancer Institute: Supporting cancer research for 35 years. Mol Cancer Ther. 2023 Oct 2;22(10):1144-1153. PubMed
Bewersdorf JP, Shallis RM, Sharon, E, et al. A multi-phase Ib trial of the histone deacetylase inhibitor entinostat in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes/neoplasms or acute myeloid leukemia refractory to hypomethylating agents. Ann Hematol. 2024 Jan;103(1):105-116. PubMed
Zhao, Y, Yuan Y, Korn EL, and Freidlin B. Backfilling patients in phase I dose escalation trials using Bayesian optimal interval design (BOIN). Clin Cancer Res. 2023 Dec 1. Online ahead of print. PubMed
Toner K, Allen CE, Jain S, et al. Overcoming barriers to drug development and enrollment in clinical trials for adolescents and young adults with lymphoma. EJHaem. 2023 Sep 7;4(4):921-926. PubMed
Virtual mind-body fitness classes show unexpected benefit in people with cancer; December 15, 2023
What comes after NCI-MATCH? NCI’s new precision medicine cancer trials; December 6, 2023

A CT scan of a person with alveolar soft part sarcoma that has spread to the spine (arrow). Credit: Adapted from Cancer Imaging. October 2020. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40644-020-00352-9. CC BY 4.0
Trial results confirm effectiveness of atezolizumab against a rare sarcoma; October 20, 2023
Title | Announcement Number | Closing Date | Activity Code |
Cancer Adoptive Cellular Therapy Network (Can-ACT for Pediatric Cancers (Clinical Trial Required) | RFA-CA-24-021 | March 7, 2024 | UG3/UG4 |
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements to Support the Development of Digital Twins in Radiation Oncology (DTRO) Recording from January pre-application webinar | NOT-CA-24-015 | March 22, 2024 | NOSI |
NCI’s Investigator-Initiated Early Phase Clinical Trials for Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (Clinical Trial Required) | PAR-24-085 | January 8, 2027 | R01 |
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Quantum Sensing Technologies in Biomedical Applications | NOT-EB-23-022 | January 27, 2027 | NOSI |
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research Projects to Develop Oncoaging Models for Cancer Research | NOT-CA-23-092 | July 31, 2027 | NOSI |
Notice of Intent to Publish a Notice of Funding Opportunity for NCI’s Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs) in Cancer Health Disparities and Minority Health (Clinical Trial Optional) | NOT-CA-24-008 | First estimated Application Due Date: September 25, 2024 |