DCTD Programs
Last Updated: 06/29/2020
The Cancer Imaging Program Convenes CIRP Annual Virtual Meeting 2020
The Co-Clinical Imaging Research Resources Program (CIRP) Network
is a trans-NCI initiative designed to:
- provide the broader cancer community with web-accessible research resources for quantitative imaging of co-clinical trials (simultaneous investigations in patients and in animal models)
- encourage consensus on how quantitative imaging methods are optimized to improve the quality of imaging results for co-clinical therapeutic or prevention trials of adult and pediatric cancer
The CIRP Annual Virtual Meeting 2020 (agenda) was held on June 22-23 and brought the six U24 teams together from Washington University at St. Louis, Duke University, Vanderbilt University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Michigan, and the three-site team of Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Texas at Austin, and Stanford University. Additional stakeholders from academia, industry, and federal agencies joined the event.
Meeting Mission
- review the progress of CIRP program
- identify challenges in all four essential areas of CIRP
- seek solutions for harmonization and standardization
- explore integrative strategies for co-clinical imaging research and multi-scale information integration
Meeting Topics and Events
- CIRP program update
- progress reports from the six CIRP teams
- demonstrations of web-resource development from four of the CIRP teams
- 21 poster briefings from the six CIRP teams
- progress updates of the CIRP Steering Committee and the three working groups (WGs)
- 15 talks on specific issues in the area of animal models and co-clinical trials, imaging acquisitions and data processing, informatics, and outreach
- panel discussions from the three WGs
- integration of issues across the CIRP network and WGs
- eight briefings of the related NCI programs and resources, plus the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) program
- CIRP Steering Committee business management session
As a research resource program, CIRP seeks to leverage existing NCI resources and programs to ensure best practices, effective outreach, and service improvement.